Syed Riaz Hussain Shah
Syed Riaz Hussain Shah

“A light of love , purity, truth, and sincerity”
His eloquence of speech reflects the divine elegance of the Quran. His character and manners offer a glimpse of the Beloved’s Sunnah. His accent fulfills the melody of the Hadith. In his thoughts, a manifestation of the vision of the most righteous from the ummah. In his heart, a roaring ocean of love for Rasoolullah. In his veins, the pure and pious bloodline of Hasnain-e-Kareemain
His mission: To spread the gales of the mercy of Nizam-e-Mustafa to all corners of the globe. To keep the flag of the Holy Prophet high, the entirety of his passion. It is he who is the head of the Institute of Islamic Studies and Ex-Secretary-General of JAP, Mufassir-e-Quran Allama Peer Syed Riaz Hussain Shah. He has devoted his life to promoting the Love of Rasoolullah, the expansion of Quranic Philosophy, and the renaissance of religious arts and literature. Arbiter of the sun, moon, and stars, the Qalandar. Not ridden by time but the rider of time, the Qalandar. A dervish holds the reins of time like steed. He brings sun, stars and moon to book with speed! Mufassir-e-Quran Peer Syed Riaz Hussain Shah.
The observers have seen him spreading the light of the Sayings of Allah and the Sayings of Rasool while sitting on the palm leaf mats of the Masajids. They have observed his daring attitude in the face of State Rulers, the Kings have been his enemies and have often presented him with their friendship too. At times he was thrown into dark cells in the black night of marshal law and at other times he was showered with flowers of adoration.

But through it all, one thing remained true and absolutely true, while there may have been harsh expressions of animosity or elegant gestures of friendship, the confined environment of a jail, or the free atmosphere of his home, nothing ever stopped or prevented him from the mission of his life. He cares not for what the Tyrant Kings have to say, nor what the voting public. He is careless towards the opinions of people but his every waking moment is spent in consideration of how each and every one of his actions is evaluated in the presence of God. It’s a difficult burden to carry, an almost impossible standard to meet, every deed only and only for God. It is a degree very few are ever able to reach.
When people like to admire your speech you become silent. When Friends are longing to meet you but you shut your door. The selfish wants your soft words but your accent becomes harsh and certain. People of obsession and exultation need harsh words from you but your lips start dropping soft flowers. All this can be possible only if like Syed Riaz Hussain Shah, you strengthen the contemplation of looking toward Allah and Allah’s will. Our society, drowned in the darkness of hypocrisy, in such diplomacy and duality, needs just such a light of love, purity, truth, and sincerity.